Welcome Back To Another Exciting Year!!!

Well, all of the summer Marching Rehearsals have been complete. There were Wednesday evening music rehearsals from 6-8PM throughout the summer beginning with the first Wednesday after school finished. Then they had two very successful weeks of Band Camp the last week of July in to the first full week of August. They concluded camp with a performance at the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Fair opening ceremony. I want to thank David Durham, Stephen Elburn, Brittany Lynn, Carley Simons, and Janelle Thomas for coming back and helping us throughout the summer and camp. Also a big thank you to Mrs. Fullerton for giving up two weeks of her summer to help us with band camp as well.

We will begin our weekly after school rehearsals on Monday. As we have done in the past, Woodwinds and Brass will have rehearsal on Mondays, Percussion and Color Guard on Tuesdays, and everyone has rehearsal on Thursdays and Fridays. After school rehearsals will run from 2:40PM to 4:45PM. The after school activity buses will depart at 5:00PM.

This Monday, the freshmen start with their own special day and Tuesday the rest of the upperclassmen will return. There will be a bit of a change in the daily band schedule. The Hybrid Period is being moved from 3rd period to 4th period this year. So, it will be a nice way for students to end their day.

We will be having a band orientation meeting for all band members and parents on Thursday, September 4th at 7:00PM in the Band Room. Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend so that we can all be informed about what will be going on in the band program this year and meet each other. Time is always short on Open House night, so this will give us plenty of time to talk together. So, mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Check out our wiki for signing up to help in the concession stand at the stadium. Click on the link, follow the directions, and help us out: http://qachsbandconcession.wikispaces.com. We have already had some folks to sign up. Thank you so much!

Stay tuned to the this blog all year and stay informed. This will be our first full year to have the blog and I am so very excited to be able to share information with all of you.